Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Experiencing Grace Cathedral

"If you are passing by and feel intimidated or angry because of religion, please know that there is immunity granted when you enter Grace Cathedral. Immunity from the ravages of religion and misuse of Divine Revelation," according to Rev. William E. Swing.

I had passed Grace Cathedral many times walking through Nob Hill, but one day I didn't keep walking. I stopped. Although I am not incredibly religious, I have always believed in some sort of higher being. I have always thought it is healthy to think of something bigger than yourself.

The first thing I noticed when I walked into Grace Cathedral was how beautiful it is. According to a Visitor Guide pamphlet I obtained inside, Lewis Hobart designed the Cathedral in a French Gothic style. Work began on the Cathedral in 1928 and it was completed in 1964.

Once inside the Cathedral after taking in the beauty, I noticed the few people inside. One man was sitting praying. One man was pacing around in deep thought. It seemed to me regardless of your faith or if you even have one, the Cathedral is a great place to come clear your mind and try to get some peace.

Grace Cathedral in Nob Hill welcomes everyone. Regardless of your religion you can go to Grace Cathedral to connect with the community or worship on your own. If you are agnostic, the architectural beauty of Grace Cathedral makes Grace Cathedral a landmark not to be overlooked.

According to the Visitor Guide, "We call Grace Cathedral a house of prayer for all people, without exception. All kinds of people walk through our doors every day, and all are welcome. Some come to participate in worship services, to walk the labyrinths, to seek the divine or to pray."

I picked up many pamphlets and one that especially caught my eye was "The Episcopal Church Welcomes Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Persons." This pamphlet made me so happy because I felt it went above and beyond to make sure to include everyone and to let everyone know that they are included.

The pamphlet explains that even within the Episcopal Church full inclusion of all people is presently not the case. However, at Grace Cathedral gay and lesbians are able to serve as clergy, staff and laity according to the pamphlet.

Whether you are religious or not, Grace Cathedral is a great site to see if you are visiting the Nob Hill area.

Grace Cathedral also offers service times and opportunities for community outreach. To learn more go to

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